How to complete the EX15 form to get a NIE?

Formulaire EX-15 Demande de NIE

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The NIE (Foreigner Identification Number) is the mandatory document for any foreigner in Spain. We recently explained why and how to get the NIE in Spain

In this new article, we detail step by step how to fill out the EX-15 form, a document you will need to bring with you on the day of your Cita Previa.


1. Download the EX15 form

The first step is to download the EX-15 form. You will find it on the official website of the Sede de Policia by clicking here.


2. Instruction to complete EX15 form: Datos del Extranjero

This first section concerns your personal data.

Formulaire EX-15 Demande de NIE

PASAPORTE: Your valid passport or ID number

NIE: This box remains empty as it is what we are trying to obtain

1st Apellido: Your family name

2nd Apellido: Your 2nd family (if applicable)

Nombre: First name

Sexo: Tick the corresponding box: Male (H) / Female (M)

Fecha de nacimiento: Date of birth

Lugar: Place of birth

Country: Country of birth

Nacionalidad: Nationality

Estado Civil: Tick the corresponding box: Single (S) / Married (C) / Widow (V) / Divorced (D) / Separated (Sp)

Nombre del padre: First name of your father

Nombre de la madre: First name of your mother

Domicilio de residencia: Your current address (in Spain or abroad)

: Street number

Piso: Flat number (if applicable)

Localidad: City

C.P: Postal Code

Provincia: Province 

Teléfono móvil: Phone number

E-mail: Your e-mail address

Legal representative, en su caso: When the NIE application is made by a legal representative

DNI / NIE / PAS: The identity document of the legal representative


3. Instruction to complete EX15 form: Datos del representante a efectos de la presentación de la solicitud

Formulaire EX-15 Demande de NIE

This part is only to be completed if the person submitting the application is different from the applicant. If this is the case, your representative will fill it out on your behalf, as everything else in this form. 

If the request is made directly by the applicant, this section is left blank.


4. Instruction to complete EX15 form: Domicilio a efectos de notificaciones

Formulaire EX-15 Demande de NIE

In this section, you need to indicate the address where you want to receive any correspondence. This may or may not be the same address you provided in the first section.

This section is particularly useful if you are represented by a third party.


5. Instruction to complete EX15 form: Datos relativos a la solicitud

Formulaire EX-15 Demande de NIE

A- Tipo de documento

In this section, you have to select which document you are applying for, i.e. the NIE or the resident or non-resident certificate.

This certificate is not the same as the Certificado de Registro de Ciudadanos de la Unión Europea. For more information on the latter, you can read our article on how to get a Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión Europea.


B- Motivos

Then you have to indicate the reasons why you want to get the NIE. These reasons are specific to each individual and you can choose between Economic reasons / Professional reasons / Social reasons.

In the “Especificar” field, detail more precisely your reason.


C- Lugar de presentación

Once you have obtained your Cita Previa you can select the place where you will have your appointment. It is often at the police station. It is important to remember to book the Cita Previa in the province where you reside.

If the request is made at a Spanish Consulate, you can tick the corresponding box. Note that the NIE is in this case only valid for 3 months.


D- Situación en España

In this section you need to indicate if you are residing in Spain or if your stay is temporary.


6. Instruction to complete EX15 form: Firma del solicitante 

In this last section you first have to indicate whether you give your consent for the administration to verify your personal data. Be careful with the negation in this sentence so do not tick this box to agree.

Last step is the signature. Start by specifying the city and date in the following format “[City] a [Day of the month] de [Month] de [Year].

You can then sign in the Firma del Solicitante box.


7. Conclusion

We have just seen how to fill out step by step the EX15 form in order to get the NIE in Spain.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at [email protected], we will be more than happy to help you.  


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